1. To say “no” without feeling guilty.
  2. To determine the use of my own time.
  3. To feel and express my anger appropriately.
  4. To feel and express healthy competitiveness and achievement drive.
  5. To strive for self actualization by whatever channels, talents, and/or interests I find natural.
  6. To use my own judgement in deciding which of my own needs are the most important.
  7. To make mistakes.
  8. To have my own opinions given the same respect as other people’s opinions.
  9. To ask for help from other people.
  10. To be treated as a capable human adult and not to be patronized.
  11. To consider my own needs as important as those of other people.
  12. To ask someone else to look at his/her behavior.
  13. To take care of my own responsibilities.
  14. To tell someone else of my needs.
  15. To be independent.
  16. To be an individual, a whole person, and be happy.
  17. To be selfish – take care of myself.
  18. To daydream.
  19. To set my own priorities.
  20. To ask for what I want.