Keep track of the statements that apply to you:

  • My life often seems to be out of my control.
  • Much of my life is spent on other people’s goals or problems.
  • I often get into trouble by assuming I know something when I don’t.
  • I have a tendency to expect the worst.
  • I often find myself saying “I dont’ feel up to it.”
  • The fear of appearing stupid often prevents me from asking questions or offering my opinion.
  • I have trouble taking criticism, even from my friends.
  • If I’m not perfect, I often feel worthless.
  • I have trouble focusing on what’s really important to me.
  • I often wish I were someone else.
  • I often feel irritable and moody.
  • I find that when I really want something, I’ll act impulsively to get it.
  • I waste a lot of time.
  • I often do not live up to my potential because I put things off to the last minute.
  • I spend time with people who belittle me or put down my thoughts or ideas.

Total number of statements that applied to you:

You are not likely to be sabotaging your life.

Like most people, you’re doing some things that may be holding you back. A little effort at self-improvement will do wonders for you.

You may be undermining your life in a major way. Begin now to identify your barriers.

Warning. Sabotage may be everywhere. Sustained effort may be needed to break down the walls of self-sabotage.