1. By standing up for ourselves and letting ourselves be known to others, we gain self-respect and respect from other people.
  2. By trying to live in such a way that we never hurt anyone, we end up hurting ourselves and other people.
  3. When we stand up for ourselves and honestly express ourselves, everyone usually benefits. When we demean ourselves or others, everyone invovled usually loses.
  4. By sacrificing our integrity and denying our feelings, relationships are usually damaged or inhibited. This result also occurs when we try to control others.
  5. Personal relationships develop more depth when we share our honest reactions and encourage others to do the same.
  6. Not letting others know what we think and feel is just as selfish as ignoring their thoughts and feelings.
  7. When we sacrifice our rights, we teach others to take advantage of us.
  8. By expressing ourselves assertively, we show respect for others by letting them know where they stand with us and giving them a chance to change their behavior toward us.